Monday, September 13, 2010

I have this thing about eating leftovers....I don't. I hate eating them, which I always found to be strange about myself.  Like I'm not trying to be snobby being like "Oh, I'm better than leftovers", I just cringe at the thought of it. Maybe its because I didn't grow up eating them as most families do, so Im not used to it?  As a kid, my diet consisted of box Mac and Cheese and Ramen mom didn't know how to cook/didn't like to cook.  The only thing I can remember her making from scratch was meatloaf, which is one of my favorite foods coincidentally (I make a mean Meatloaf btw, its super easy but delicious!), so yeah I blame my family for my strong dislike of leftovers.  I mention this because I am sitter hear eating yogurt covered raisins instead of reaching for the leftover pot roast I had intended on eating for lunch. I know its 1) not good for ME to not eat regularly scheduled meals since I am supposed to be eating 500 extra calories a day and 2) DEF not good for the baby, since she is dependent on me for why then do I always do this to myself?  I make myself get to the point of severe hunger before I do anything about it.  I often blame it on the baby being like "how am i supposed to find time to make myself some food when she needs so much of my attention?", which is sometimes true, but most of the time not.  My mind is like a carousel, always turning never resting.  Its frustrating really, because it takes me a long time to fall asleep at night since my mind has a hard time settling down.  I desire peace so much, but I feel it to be an impossible thing to achieve.  Peace with myself, with God, with Sean, with my friends.

Well, on the plus side, baby is asleep for like her third nap of the day, and its only 1:30! She's been doing awesome the last couple of days in the sleep department (Thank the Lord!).  She has never been much of a napper, which is probably my fault because I didnt understand her signs or how to get her to go down for one, but now that I get it I am using my "mommy magic" skills and its working! Sean and I coined the term "Daddy Magic" to refer to his ability yo get her to settle down and go to sleep.  She's always so good for him, and I never understood why I couldn't achieve the same results.  No mom wants to hear their baby cry, so I would usually nurse her to sleep, which gives you short term results but all it really does is screw you over in the long run.  Its important to set up a routine which babies can understand and gives them a sense of control in a world where they generally have none.   All I do is when she gets cranky (aka I'm tired and need a nap) I rock her in my arms until she stops crying, then I lay her down, wish her a nice nap, and put a nice fuzzy blanket over her.  I think the blanket trick is really what has helped.  I think she finds the texture comforting and she likes holding on to it as she falls to sleep.  I know they say not to put anything in their cribs with them, but she's really good about keeping the blanket where I put it.  It might go into her mouth, but thats about it.  So yeah  I put her down for a nap right before I got into the shower, and she is still asleep a half hour after Ive been out lol.

Its such a new and exciting time in her life!  She has been trying to sit up on her own, has gone from sucking her whole hand to just her thumb, and she rolls over on to one side.  She is talking so much more now too...the other day grandma and I could have sworn that she sounded like she said momma.  I cant wait til she  can say that word!  Every day brings new things with her.  She grabs onto everything!  When Sean and I went to Wendys for lunch a few days ago, she was sitting on my lap and kept grabbing the tray my food was on and moving it.  We couldnt figure out if she was doing it purposefully or not, but she did it like 4 times so I think she was.  She grabs onto the rings on her adventure gym and bouncer now too!

Until next time,


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